Tag Archives: practice

Boss of Me

Been waiting for creative inspiration to strike and, thanks to my fourth grade teacher, I’ve always been a haiku fan, so here goes …

 It’s your job, should you choose to accept it.

Time Out

It’s been a little over a year since I’ve posted a single word and as it turns out it was just what I needed to find the best way to work through a variety of life events that were thrown my way.

It was interesting to learn that I had to muster up the same amount of courage and intention, no matter the simplicity or severity of what I was facing, while continuing to trust and truly believe that the universe would abide to my intended result if I did too.

Someday, This Could All Be Yours

My first recollection of a someday was very disappointing when my 3 year old self never turned into a dog or a horse but I still carried on and got over it.

Fast forward … after years of practice creating experiences for corporate folk, now’s my chance to plan how this looks, again, for real, no backs, no do-overs, no storage lockers, no road trips … really? … as she sat there waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Which would be fine too … size 8.5 please.

Someday, Elusive but Doable
someday, elusive but doable. – mara lee